Our Mission: Exceeding Your Expectations
Striving to create services that exceed your expectations

As a company that thrives to invent, we have, do, and will keep taking on the challenges of creating new services that can change lives, make our world happier, and solve societal issues.
When we announce a new service, it sparks people's imaginations, fills them with anticipation and longing for the service to come out. That is the company we would like to be.
Our credo, "with entertainment," lives not just in the services we create, but in all we do here at Drecom.
Our Vision: Striving to invent "with entertainment"
For us, invention is creating new values and delivering users new enthralling experiences.
And "users" refers to all the people we deliver the experience to, from the companies we work with and to our employees, not just the consumers in BtoC context.
In the case of services, the process of creating one from zero before commercialization is the "seed of invention" stage, and it is not until the scale of the business increases and it becomes a successful business that it can be called an "invention." It does not mean that all "seeds of invention" will reach the stage of "invention," but rather that "invention" will finally be born from among many "seeds of invention," which will require many challenges and a profit base and financial base to support them.
Our Three Values
We set "with entertainment" as our credo and following three values as our organizational values to keep producing inventions and to be our guiding principle for sound decision-making.
To create stronger organization more capable of achieving our goals, we recruit, develop and evaluate talents based on our values.
Have integrity
Having integrity means making rightful judgements and acting accordingly as a person.
Being modest and taking responsibility of one's actions. Never forgetting favors received from others. They are nothing special. Its all about morals.
However, having integrity in every moment of our daily life is not an easy task. We have to have a solid belief and honesty in what we believe is rightful. As what each of us can do is little, the same can be said for the company. We need to cooperate with employees and other companies to realize our visions. To this end, we all have to have integrity in everything we do everyday.
Be essence-driven
To archive maximum result with minimum action, we have to be essence-driven in our everyday actions and decision-making.
If we lose focus of essence and fail to make decisions in a purpose-driven manner, our strategy and scope would also lose focus, resulting in time-wasting and obscuring the concept of service. To avoid this from happening, along with making effort to extend our thoughts to seek the essence of every product, every initiative, and every activity, we have to have regular communication with our team members to keep our focus on essence.
Be a challenger
In order to keep producing inventions, we have to be willing to take new challenges. And often times, failure is inevitable in new challenges. Yet, to keep taking on new challenges and produce inventions out of failures, we always have to look forward and take action with positive mindset. We have to keep in mind the importance of being flexible to cope with changes, not only to produce inventions but also to achieve our goals in the shortest way possible.