Changes in Major Management Indicators, etc.


Summary of Results by Segment

Game Segment

During the fiscal year under review, mainstay IP titles performed well throughout the year and contributed to earnings.

Net sales increased from the previous fiscal year, mainly due to the full-year contribution of titles released in the second half of the previous fiscal year, in addition to the continued strong performance of our mainstay IP titles.

Net income increased from the previous fiscal year due to the impact of increased revenues from titles under operation, as well as streamlining of the operation structure and the closure of some unprofitable titles.

As a result, segment sales amounted to 10,517,071 thousand yen (up 1.5% from the previous year) and segment income amounted to 2,903,312 thousand yen (up 55.1% from the previous year). In this segment, our core business, we will continue to strive to maintain stable earnings from titles in operation and aim to increase sales and profits through the success of several new titles under development.


Media Segment

During the period under review, "Rooot," a Twitter-based fan community promotion service, continued to contribute to earnings. In addition, while working on the publishing and video business to develop, acquire, and nurture IP and diversify revenue-generating channels, we started publishing a light novel label, "DRE Novels," in October. In addition, we are focusing on new business development in the Web3 domain.

Net sales increased year-on-year due to the strong performance of "Rooot," a Twitter-based fan community promotion service, as well as the start of publication of light novels.

As for net income, the amount of loss increased from the same period of the previous year due to the ongoing cost advancement due to investments in new business areas such as publishing, video, and Web3.

As a result of the above, segment sales were 284,835 thousand yen (67.7% increase over the previous year) and segment loss was 621,957 thousand yen (segment loss of 280,418 thousand yen in the previous year). In this segment, we will continue to promote aggressive R&D investment with the aim of achieving medium- to long-term business growth.
