Drecom will launches "Rooot," a Twitter-based fan community promotion service!

Drecom Co., Ltd. (Head office: Meguro-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Hiroki Naito; hereinafter referred to as "the Company") will start providing "Rooot," a fan community promotion service utilizing Twitter.
What is Rooot?
"Rooot" is a service that provides users (fans) with a chance to get excited and connect with other users (fans) on Twitter in order to make them become more fans.
Background to the creation of Rooot
As the difficulty of acquiring new customers worsens year by year, the importance of taking care of existing customers, especially fans, has become more important than ever.
As the difficulty of acquiring new customers worsens year by year, the importance of taking care of existing customers, especially fans, has become more important than ever.
The background behind the creation of "Rooot" is that we thought about how we could make it more enjoyable for our fans by utilizing the know-how of entertainment service management that Drecom has cultivated over the years.
The name "Rooot" expresses the idea of "rooting and spreading the spirit of love," "connecting everyone's love like a root," and "letting the roots (fans) spread and grow the tree (the object of support).
The three o's (ooo) stand for "management ⇔ fans ⇔ fans," expressing the importance we place not only on "management ⇔ fans," but also on "fans ⇔ fans.