Research Report Issued

Drecom Co., Ltd. is pleased to announce that Global IR, Inc. (Greenwich, Connecticut, USA, hereinafter referred to as "GIR") has issued a sponsored research report on our company. This research report is intended to provide domestic and overseas investors with a comprehensive understanding of the Company. The content is the explanation by GIR with its own analysis and insights based on the Company's business model, past performance trends, future business strategies, and other information already disclosed in IR materials such as financial results briefings, as well as interviews with the Company.
Although this report is a sponsored report, we have paid careful attention to fair disclosure in our interviews with the company, and have made the same disclosures as other investors and sell-side analysts.
The report issued this time is an initiation report and will be continuously updated in the future.
We will continue to actively communicate with a wide range of investors in Japan and overseas to further promote understanding of our company.
Report writing and publishing:Global IR, Inc.(