The portal site for the timeless classic, Wizardry, called the origin of RPGs, has been launched / Japanese versions of Wizardry 6, 7, and 8 to be re-released!

Drecom Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Yuki Naito) is pleased to announce the opening of the portal site for Wizardry on August 3, 2023. In addition, D4 Enterprise Co., Ltd. will be developing Japanese language packs for Wizardry 6, 7, and 8.
Portal site for the latest information on the Wizardry series opening
The portal site for the Wizardry series is now open. Here you will find a list of Wizardry-related information, including available titles, and novels and comics that take place in the world of Wizardry, with new titles being added all the time! The portal site also introduces the history of the Wizardry series, starting with the original masterpiece, Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, released in 1981.
This portal site is the spot for information for those familiar with the series as well as those who are new to the world of Wizardry. We hope you will have a look at the site as well as our official social media.
Portal Site
Official Twitter
Japanese versions of Wizardry 6, 7, and 8 to be developed
The long-awaited and hard-to-find Wizardry 6, 7, and 8 are now a new package!
Announcing new development of Wizardry Legacy -BCF, CDS & 8-. In the winter of 2023, Wizardry Legacy -BCF, CDS & 8- will be available from Project EGG, Japan's largest retro game distribution site. Reservations can be made starting today at the special site below. This will be Wizardry 6 Bane of the Cosmic Forge (PC-9801 version), Wizardry 7 Crusaders of the Dark Savant (PC-9801 version), and Wizardry 8 Japanese Version (Windows 95/98 version) all in one package. Other content is also planned. We will announce information as it becomes available.
Wizardry Legacy -BCF, CDS & 8- Special Page
Project EGG
Conversation between Dragon Quest's Yuji Horii and Wizardry's Robert Woodhead published
The Wizardry Variants Daphne portal site introduces a conversation between Yuji Horii of Dragon Quest fame and Robert Woodhead of Wizardry fame, currently being published in Denfaminicogamer.
The Epic Meeting in the history of RPG── Yuji Horii (Dragon Quest) and Robert Woodhead (Wizardry) Discuss the Origins of their Series
Yuji Horii describes the influence of Wizardry on him and the starting point for Dragon Quest. Wizardry developer Robert Woodhead talks about the secret story behind the creation of Wizardry, as well as his views on Dragon Quest. And much more. What does a master of the RPG world say about what makes an RPG?
We hope you enjoy it.
Wizardry Variants Daphne Official Site - Special Page
What is Wizardry?
Wizardry is a computer role-playing game released in the United States in 1981. Elements such as party organizing, labyrinth exploration, monster fighting, and character development had a tremendous impact on various RPGs that followed, and it is often referred to as the origin of RPGs. Numerous sequels have been released, and more than 40 years after its release, it remains a timeless masterpiece that enjoys strong popularity around the world. In 2020, Drecom acquired the copyrights to Wizardry6, Wizardry7, Wizardry8, and Wizardry Gold, as well as the domestic and international trademarks to the series title "Wizardry".
Official Twitter:
About the Wizardry series' latest title, Wizardry Variants Daphne
[App Overview]
Title: Wizardry Variants Daphne
Genre: 3D Dungeon RPG
Supported Platforms: iOS/Android
Price: Free to play (with in-app purchases)
Development/Publishing/Operation: Drecom Co., Ltd.
Distribution: Worldwide (Japan and internationally)
Supported Languages: Japanese/English *At launch
Copyright Notice: ©Drecom Co., Ltd.
Official Site:
Official Twitter (Japanese):
Official Twitter (English):
Official YouTube Channel: